This is a collab between xXToprak135Xx2 and Marat22727y3. If you wonder why half of the grammar is bad, that's why.
Top: It's fun working on this with you! Mar: Thx!
''If you are not carefull and Noclip trough Diep arena then you will get to the Dieprooms an endless maze where nobody can help you if you head something you beter run becuse it has heared you''
Dieprooms is a endless liminal space that can change Dieprooms is Split to levels currently Level 0 to level 3 is known.
Top: Hey, would it be interesting if the tanks themselves only knew about certain levels that they coincidentally reached?
Note: Close the Table of Contents every time you visit. It lengthens the page and is annoying.
Level 0[]
Level 0 is the first level of the Dieprooms.
level-0 is Infinite maze that has almost nothing in it you will spawn in here if you Noclip trough Diep arena and you can't escape it (even closeing game won't work) so you stuck in here exploreing this place.
Amalgamation is first and only entity in level 0 it can spawn with random parts that exist in game and it will attack you if come close to it you can try hide behind walls so that entity can't see you
Entrances And Exits[]
Entrances: Noclip trough Diep arena to get here.
Exits: Noclip trough Level 0 to enter level 1.
Level 1[]
level 1 is the second level of the Dieprooms 0 is the first one.
Level 1 is a infinite white arena that has rare light-grey walls you will spawn here after exiting Level 0 it's the first level where polygons can spawn (excluding Crashers and Alpha Pentagons) players can also meet eachother and all of them in the same team.
No Entities has been repoted on Level 1.
Entrances And Exits[]
Entrances: Noclip trough Level 0 to get here.
Exits: Noclip trough walls to get into Level 2 or Level 0.
Level 2[]
Level 2 is the third level of the Dieprooms.
It's black and white. Everything is only a white outline, while you are completely white. Also the borders are Maze walls. Otherwise it's just a normal FFA server.
AI Tanks: The server is filled with AI controlled tanks with random classes and builds. Top: I just added this... dammit
Blue Fog: Slowly kills you due to lack of oxygen, if that even exists in the Diep world. Thankfully there are random domes all over the place where you can stay in. There's less fog when you go down, so your bullets might not be able to reach the leader if he's in a dome a Ranger's FoV away.
Stronger Crashers: Crashers deal triple damage here and can spawn anywhere, but less frequently.
Warped Pentagons: Some pentagons are warped and distorted. They collapse into white holes when destroyed.
Entrances and Exits[]
Entrance: Noclip through the walls in Level 1.
Exit: Gather so much speed via white hole that you end up inside a hole in the Maze walls. Then you go through a tunnel and go to Level 3.
Level 3[]
Level 3 is the fourth level of the Dieprooms
Level 3 is an Monochrome level it has no Pentagon nest but Crashers still spawn Static polygons seems to be normal although it is not recomended to touch them if you die here then you will be sent back to level 2.
Static is a group of Entities that is grey everything in here is Static they will deal x2 damage to your tank
Entrances And Exits[]
Entrances: Go trough White Hole in level 2 and go though the tunnel to enter level 3.
Exits: Die and you will be sent back to Level 2, find rare not Static polygon and ram it after that you will be sent to level 4, go to map border and noclip though it after that you will spawn in level 1 or level 4.
Level 4[]
Level 4 is the fifth level of the Dieprooms.
Level 4 is a infinite maze with dark walls and grey floor polygons spawn is rare but when they spawn minimum 5 polygons spawn at once there is also healing zones that have dark green floor and heal health faster players can see eachother and they are split into two teams (Red and Blue) but with no base for both teams.
Abomination is rare on this level becuse polygons spawns rare.
Top: Did you mean Amalgamation?
Watchers are dark tanks that stalk players they disapear when players get's close.
Entrances And Exits.[]
Entrances: Ram Non Static Polygon to enter level 4, Noclip trough map border in level 3.
Exits: noclip trough walls to enter Levels: 0, 1. Noclip torugh walls in heal zone to enter level 5, ram to polygons and die when you respwan you will enter levels: 0, 2, 4, 6.
Level 5[]
Level 5 is the sixth level of the Dieprooms.
It's just a Maze server where going to the border of one side takes you to the opposite side. Pretty cool mechanic, i know!
Static: If you use the loop mechanic, you will have to endure 5 Statics to actually loop every time you do, and they're also all 2/2/3/3/5/5/3/3/2/2 Destroyers, Triple Shots and Overseers, so you can't just stay outside the universe forever, and even then you'll probably just stop existing.
Watchers: They do appear every so often, but they're Singles instead of Basics.
AI Tanks: The maze is full of AI controlled tanks with random classes and builds.
Entrances and Exits[]
Entrances: Noclip through a wall next to a Heal Zone in Level 4.
Exits: When fighting the Statics while looping, keep one Destroyer alive, if there is one. Then dodge it's bullets so that it hits the left wall of the small arena and eventually destroys it. Enter the corridor that breaking the wall revealed. There will be a fork in the road. Up goes to Level 6, down goes to Level 11 and going straight goes to Level 13.

Inside the maze.

Fighting Statics before looping.
Level 6[]
Level 6 is the seventh level of the Dieprooms.
It's just a small 4 Teams server. Or rather, multiple servers.
Normal Players: There can be a maximum of 4 actual players per Level 6 server, one for each team, and one of them being you. Yes, you. Behind the screen.
Watchers: They do appear every so often, but they can be Pounders, Directors or Trappers. The drones stay in front of them if they're a Director.
AI Tanks: The servers are full of AI controlled tanks with random classes, builds and teams.
Entrances and Exits[]
Entrances: Die in Level 4 and respawn in Level 6. OR Break the wall while looping in Level 5, going up at the fork leads to Level 6.
Exits: Die to one of the normal players to enter Level 7, while they enter Level 10, perhaps?

Red, Blue and Green players and bots.
Level 7[]
Level 7 is the 8th level of the Dieprooms
Top: This was originally Level 0.5 and removed because it was useless but got moved to Level 7 because it was peaceful and it would be unfair to not have a peaceful level.
Level 7 is the break level where everything is green there are new Bush Polygons that are 2 times stronger then normal polygons and the level is infested with them.
in Level 7 Almalgamation is stronger becuse of the Bush Polygons.
Bush is rare entity in this level it can't be killed and won't hurt you it acts like a wall and can be used for noclip.
Entrances and Exits[]
Entrances: die to a normal player in level 6.
Exits: Noclip trough Bush to spawn in levels: 1, 3, 5, 8?, 9.
Level 8[]
Level 8 is the 9th level of the Dieprooms
Level 8 seems to be dark Sandbox where players can't see eachother only one has explored this level so it's not 100% true that this level even exist.
there are no Entitiers has been found
Entrances and Exits[]
Entrances: currently unknown but maybe you need to noclip though Bush at level 7.
Exits: that person said that to exit you need to kill Alpha Pentagon and then you will respawn at level 9.
Level 9[]
Level 9 is the tenth level of the Dieprooms.
It's a Sandbox sized room with maze walls for the border. That's it.
The Dominator: There is a single neutral Dominator in the middle. The Dominator can be any of the three Dominators in Claiming it will say "YOU HAVE WON THE GAME!" instead of the usual "[team color] HAS WON THE GAME!" and will close the arena.
Arena Closer: Appears when you claim the Dominator to kill every player (or rather, the) and restart the server. Except they can't, because there's Maze walls in the way. Yes, unlike Maze mode, Arena Closers cannot shoot or go through the walls in Level 9.
Warped Pentagons: Their spawn rate is the same as Triangles. They are distorted and collapse into white holes as usual.
Entrances and Exits[]
Entrances: Noclip through a bush in Level 7 OR Kill an Alpha Pentagon in Level 8.
Exits: Gather so much speed from a white hole that you noclip through the wall and get shot into an Arena Closer to enter Level 12.
Gallery (How did i forget?)[]
Level 10[]
Level 10 is the HELL of the Dieprooms
Level 10 has HELL background everything here is Red but with a diffrent colors of HELL only you are SINNER color.
Entrances and Exits[]
Exits: NONE!
Top: I am traumatized. Also you forgot the gallery. I expect an entrance to be killing another actual player and an exit to be killing yourself, somehow.
Mar: i wan't to tell you a story: There where 2 friends in level 1 they decide to noclip to level 2 but they spawned in unknown level they found a wall and nocliped trough it one of them spawned on level 4 but other never returned.
Top: What the??? So there's a chance that if you noclip through a wall in this unknown level, you can never go back? What is this, Level 10?
Level 11[]
Level 11 is the 12th level in the Dieprooms
Level 11 is a Survival with 2 teams each team has 3 Entities only you are real player and you will always spawn on Blue team polygons are rare thing in this level but they give x2 XP also Crashers spawn in this level (even though this level has not Pentagon Nest).
''A.I Tanks''
they spawn in this level as members of team red or blue.
Entrances and Exits[]
Entrances: in level 5 break wall and go down to spawn here.
Exits: win a match to respawn at levels: 1, 4, 6, 7, 13, 14, 15.
Level 12[]
Level 12 is the- okay, i think you get it by now.
Level 12 is a yellow circle area. The innards of an Arena Closer you shot yourself into in Level 9, perhaps? Anyway, all colors are severely darkened because barely any light comes in from the Arena Closer's cannon. Speaking of, there's a tiny portal under it. There's also a Pentagon Nest for whatever reason.
The level itself: Touching any of the yellow kills you instantly. Thankfully there are chunks of gray areas all over the place where you can stay. You have to traverse them to progress further.
Generator: The middle of the map has a bullet generator that shoots infinite bullets, and they're also Godzilla sized because you somehow shrunk. It generates so much energy that it YEETS you back to the edge of the map.
Stronger Crashers: Just like Level 2, Crashers deal triple damage here.
Entrances and Exits[]
Entrances: Gather so much speed from a white hole that you noclip through the wall and get shot into an Arena Closer in Level 9.
Exits: Die to the yellow level to respawn next to the Dominator or get YEETED through the cannon to get shot out of the Arena Closer you shot yourself into or the tiny portal to get shot out of the Dominator all to go back to Level 9. It seems you have reached a dead end.
Gallery (I forgot again.)[]
Level 13[]
Dark purple EVERYWHERE. Tridecagon Nests EVERYWHERE. Triskaidekaphobia is the term for "fear of 13", why wouldn't it be applied to geometry?
Tridecagon Crashers, Nest Defenders and so on: They deal 13 times more damage than an unupgraded Auto Turret/Gunner bullet, NOW THAT'S A LOTTA DAMAGE!!!
Statics and Watchers: They are dark purple Directors instead of gray/black Basics, their shape is a Tridecagon, and their drones are tiny Tridecagons.
Entrances and Exits[]
Entrances: Break the wall while looping in Level 5, going straight leads here. OR Win a match in Level 11.
Exits: Die to the Watchers (somehow) or Statics to respawn in Level 11. Better luck next time.
Level 14[]
Level 14 is the 15th level of the Dieprooms
Level 14 looks like Diep arena map with Tag gamemode players can see eachother and kill eachother in this gamemode there are 5 teams Red, Blue, Green, Purple, Claw.
''AI Tanks''
AI tanks fill teams to have 5 members becuse there are rare players in level 14.
Claws are Hostile Entities that can transform into one of them when killed they deal 25 damage.
Entrances and Exits[]
Entrances: win a match in Level 11, Noclip though wall in Level 15.
Exits: win a match to enter level 15, if you are a Claw then wait for another match (when another match is gona start Players and Entities die for some reason Arena Closers don't spawn) and win it.
Level 15[]
Level 15 is the 16th level of the Dieprooms
Level is a infinite blue arena with no Polygons or Entities you move slower in this level you can also see players all of them are in blue team.
no Entities where reported on this level
Entrances And Exits[]
Entrances: win a match in Level 11 or 14.
Exits: stay in this level long enough then you will die and when you respawn you will enter level 16.